Critical Care PCD Franchise for Meropenem

16 Apr by vistica_admin

Critical Care PCD Franchise for Meropenem

Critical Care PCD Franchise for Meropenem

CRITICAL CARE PCD FRANCHISE COMPANY- Meropenem & Meropenem with Sulbactam

Vistica Lifesciences a divison of Hauz Pharma pvt ltd offer a wide variety of critically important molecules and providing Critical Care PCD Franchise in meropenem as well as its combination with sulbactam.
Meropenem is an antibiotic that belongs to the Beta lactum group of antibiotics and is categorized in Carbapenem class. Because of its crucial importance for human beings, the chemical meropenem is included in the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION’S LIST OF ESSENTIAL MEDICINES. It is usually bactericidal (works to kill the bacteria), however in the case of Listeria monocytogenes, it is bacteriostatic (to prevent the growth of bacteria).

Sulbactam is a member of beta lactamase inhibitor family, which is prescribed in combination with other beta lactam antibiotics like Meropenem.

It is administered intravenously to the patients having critical bacterial infections.

Mechanism of action

As we have already discussed Meropenem acts like bactericidal except in case of Listeria monocytogenes, where it shows bacteriostatic action. Similar to other β-lactam antibiotics it also works against bacterial cell wall synthesis. It is highly resistant to degradation by β-lactamases or cephalosporinases in comparison to other molecules of beta-lactams family. There may be few a few reasons of reflecting resistance like penicillin-binding proteins mutations, metallo-β-lactamases production, or diffusion resistance across the outer membrane of bacteria.

It can be administered without adding cilastin because it remains stable to dehydropeptidase-1 which is opposite in case of imipenem

As Sulbactam possesses beta lactamase property, due to it’s this property it is added with Meropenem. As sulbactam will irreversibly inhibit the beta lactamase enzyme which is produced by the bacteria to reduce the antibacterial activity of beta lactam antibiotic.

Critical care pcd franchise
Meropenem Inj

Uses & Indications

Meropenem is generally active against gram positive as well as gram negative bacteria and also consider anaerobic bacteria.

The indications of meropenem and its potent union with sulbactam are as follows:

febrile neutropenia

complicated Skin and Intra abdominal (stomach area) infections

Meningitis (membrane infection around the brain & spinal cord)

Nosocomial Pneumonia

Broncho pulmonary infection

Complicated Urinary Tract Infection

Intra & Post Partum infection

The efficacy of Meropenem with Sulbactam is greater than ceftazidime with amikacin in Nosocomial Pneumonia.

Meropenem is widely regarded as one of the most powerful antibiotics and have extended spectrum beta lactamase enterobacteriaceae.

Meropenem alone is marketed in the variety of strengths as per the prescription of Health care physician

We at Vistica Lifesciences offer a broad range of Meropenem strengths for the critical care pcd franchise. Which are as follow

Almero 125 Meropenem 125mg
Almero 250 Meropenem 250mg
Almero 500 Meropenem 500mg
Almero-1 Meropenem 1000mg

The one in combination with sulbactam is also available for critical care pcd franchise

Almero-S 1.5gm Meropenem 1gm + Sulbactam 500mg
critical care pcd francise
Meropenem + Sulbactam

Side Effects

Usually the side effects which appear very commonly are diarrhea, vomiting and nausea among which diarrhea has the highest frequency of occurrence in a human body. Other than these effects Inflammation at the site of administration, headache, rashes and thrombophlebitis (inflammation with blood clot in legs). These side effects are noticed in severely ill patients who are taking number of different medications which may also include vancomycin.
In contrast with Imipenem, meropenem has a lower risk of causing seizures.  Also Hypokalemia have been detected in few patients’ cases.  Similar to other carbapenems, meropenem is considered as the potent inducer of multidrug resistance in bacteria.

The one who is allergic to beta lactam antibiotics then he or she is quite likely to be allergic to meropenem as well.
Imipenem is the first member of carbapenem class which was commercialized in 1987 followed by meropenem in 1996. Both of these medications shows similar pharmacokinetic however it is observed that  imipenem is more effective against gram positive bacteria, and meropenem is more effective against gram negative bacteria.

For absorption the peak tissue time is observed as 1 hour after infusion
in distribution, it penetrates most physiological fluids and tissues well and the protein binding is 2%
it gets metabolized in liver to open beta lactam form which is inactive form
Elimination takes place through urine, inactive metabolites are detected as 25%.

Drug Interactions
Valproic acid and other related medications such as divalproex sodium and sodium valproate, according to records, are among the compounds that may interfere with meropenem function. Always tell your health care practitioner or pharmacist about your medical history and any medications you’re taking, whether prescription or nonprescription, as well as herbal products, before administration of this medicine.


The drug mentioned above can be taken only on the advice by the qualified doctor.


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