Critical Care PCD Franchise in Citicoline

21 Apr by vistica_admin

Critical Care PCD Franchise in Citicoline

Critical Care PCD Franchise in Citicoline

Looking for Critical Care PCD Franchise in Citicoline

We are presenting a critical care pcd franchise for citicoline across the country on behalf of Vistica Lifesciences. We guarantee the goods quality here and its therapeutic action.

Critical Care pcd franchise
Citicoline Injection

The other name for Citicoline is cytidine diphosphate- choline or cytidine 5′- diphosphocholine is an intermediary in the metabolic process of converting choline to phosphatidylcholine, in cell membrane which is a biochemical process. In specifically the organs, Citicoline is found naturally in the human & animal tissue of cells. The administration of citicoline can be done either parenterally or orally route.

This chemical belongs to the pyrimidine ribonucleoside diphosphates class of organic compounds.

Pyrimidine ribonucleotides having a diphosphate group attached to the ribose moiety are known as pyrimidine ribonucleotides.


Therapeutic action and Indications
Citicoline improves memory and other cognitive functions in patients with chronic cerebrovascular disease or dementia also vision improvement in glaucoma patients. As already discussed, citicoline is found naturally in humans; Citicoline is sold as a dietary supplement in more than 70 countries under various brand names (Citifar, NeurAxon, Difosfocin, Ceraxon). In intestine, in the form of supplement it get hydrolysed to choline & cytidine.

It may be given in the following indications
Ischemic Stroke or Hemorrhagic Stroke
Memory Impairment or Dementia or Alzheimer’s disease
Bipolar disease
Brain Trauma or Spinal Cord Injury
Parkinson’s disease and other conditions associated with brain

We at Vistica Life Sciences are a critical care pcd franchise provider in Citicoline, and we promise to
supply you with enough product quality and excellent service to meet your needs. Critical care PCD franchise in Citicoline is available by the brand name of Vizcol Inj available in two pickings. The details are given below in injectables –

VIZCOL INJ – 4ML Inj CITICOLINE 250 MG /  ML 5* 4 ml

We also have citicoline in other dosage forms as well like tablet and syrup

VIZCOL tab CITICOLINE 500 MG 10 *1* 10

Critical Care PCD franchise in Citicoline with Piracetam is also available with us

Piracetam is a member of the family of drugs known as nootropics (aims to improve cognitive enhancer) and is a gamma aminobutyric acid derivative.  Piracetam is generally given in the treatment of myoclonus and cognitive enhancer. Piracetam increases the action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine by activating muscarinic cholinergic (ACh) receptors, which are involved in memory.  For storage keep at a temperature below 25 degree celcius and also protect from light.

Mechanism of Action
Citicoline works by increasing synthesis of phosphatidylcholine. This could be accomplished by the following mechanism: Phosphatidylcholine is produced by converting 1,2-diacylglycerol to phosphatidylcholine. Stimulating SAMe production, which promotes membrane stability and lowers the level of arachidonic acid.

In acute ischemic stroke, citicoline has therapeutic effects at multiple phases of the ischemic cascade. It first stabilises cell membranes by increasing the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin and reducing the release of free fatty acids.
The mechanism of action of citicoline is generally categorized into four parts
1) Neuroprotective effects
2) Neuronal Membrane
3) Cell signaling
4) Glutamate Transport

Side Effects
Usually it is observed that the people who take citicoline by mouth (oral route) do not experience any side effects but in few cases people may feel trouble in sleeping (insomnia/ sleeplessness), headache, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain, blurred vision, chest pains, and others.

In animals as well as in humans, a very low toxicity profile is shown by citicoline. In clinical trials doses of 2000 mg per day have been observed and approved also. Minor temporary side effects are uncommon, however the most prevalent ones include stomach pain and diarrhea. Chronic citicoline use may have negative psychological repercussions, according to some reports. A meta-analysis of the relevant literature, however, contradicts this theory. Citicoline may, at most, aggravate psychotic episodes or interact with antipsychotic medications.

Citicoline is soluble in water; oral bioavailability appears more than 90 percent. After one hour of oral administration plasma levels peak appears. Through breathing most of the citicoline in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2) get expelled through the body, and rest of the citicoline is eliminated through kidney after 24 hours of intake.

In the membranes of eukaryotic cells Phosphatidylcholine is a key phospholipid. Its production, breakdown, and distribution must all be tightly controlled for appropriate cell function. Two routes produce phosphatidylcholine in the body (in vivo).

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