critical care pcd franchise for Terlipressin

12 Apr by vistica_admin

critical care pcd franchise for Terlipressin

Critical care pcd franchise

Hauz Pharma Pvt. Ltd. (Vistica Life) offers critical care pcd franchise with high quality products. Our one of the critical care pcd franchise product is Terlipressin. Terlipressin  also called tricyl-lysine-vasopressin, is the synthetic and long-acting analogue of vasopressin. It has comparable pharmacodynamic. But it has different pharmacokinetic properties. Its mode of action shows that Vasopressin mediates vasoconstriction via V1 receptor activation on vascular smooth muscle. Terlipressin is a medicine similar to antidiuretic hormone (ADH) or vasopressin, a naturally occurring hormone present in the body. Terlipressin is used as a vasoactive drug in the management of low blood pressure.

Terlipressin is prescribed for bleeding esophageal varices, septic shock, hepatorenal syndrome and in management of low blood pressure. By acting to increase water absorption in the kidney, It regulates the body’s retention of water.

In addition to the treatment of bleeding esophageal varices (dilated blood vessels of the esophagus), Terlipressin is well recommended in type I hepatorenal syndrome that is progressive kidney failure in people with sever liver damage.

Critical Care PCD Franchise for Terlipressin
Quality product

By stimulation of V1 receptors, which are predominantly located in the smooth muscles of the arterial vasculature in the splanchnic region Hauz Pharma’s critical care pcd franchise company’s  Terlipressin selectively causes splanchnic and extrarenal vasoconstriction and thereby reduces splanchnic blood flow and portal pressure.

One of the most dramatic complications in gastroenterology is Variceal bleeding. Variceal bleeding has a high mortality rate. Vasoactive drugs can save lives in the immediate absence of endoscopists if the treatment starts early. Vasoactive drugs like terlipressin is not only indicated as first-choice emergency treatment, but it also increases the success rate of endoscopic treatments.

Quality product for critical care pcd franchise

It is well documented that terlipressin’s efficacy and mechanism of action is to arrest haemorrhage and to improve the disturbed cardiovascular situation of cirrhotic patients which also includes patients with hepatorenal syndrome.

Due to its vasoconstrictive effects, the blood flow into the portal vein is reduced by terlipressin and thus, also, portal venous pressure and blood flow through porto-systemic shunts is also reduced.

Terlipressin has been shown to stimulate kidney function and to prolong survival time in patients with bleeding esophageal varices as well as those with hepatorenal syndrome, whereas, somatostatin or octreotide have shown no such promising effects.

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acute variceal bleeding

hepatorenal syndrome (HRS)


low cardiac output state c/o vasoconstriction



heart failure

GI upset



With severe atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, Terlipressin is contraindicated or should be used with extreme caution in patients. Patients should be monitored with ECG, blood pressure, daily electrolytes and clinically for peripheral ischemia on initiation and during therapy.

Acute variceal bleed is a life threatening complication of portal hypertension in patients with liver cirrhosis. Two type of drugs, Terlipressin (vasopressin analogue) and Octreotide (somatostatin analogue) are being used currently for management of acute variceal bleed along with endoscopic therapy. Cirrhosis of liver is the end result of hepato-cellular injury caused by fibrosis and nodular regeneration throughout the liver. It is an irreversible stage of liver disease.

Both Terlipressin and Octreotide when used for initial management of variceal bleed provide sufficient time for endoscopic therapeutic measures to be carried out within next 24 to 48 hours. Both these drugs have been compared in many studies on international level over the last two decades. Some studies reveal that terlipressin is better in managing acute variceal bleed, while in other trials octreotide has shown as a better option. Still others reveal no statistically significant difference between the two treatment options.

In a review, Terlipressin (also sold by critical care pcd franchise company Hauz Pharma) was compared with Placebo in seven studies, in which the former showed significant reduction in mortality. In various small studies where Terlipressin was compared with Octreotide, no difference was found in any major outcome.

In acute variceal bleeding, the patients had comparatively better control of bleeding, less incidence of rebleed, and lower mortality compared to those receiving Octreotide when treated with Terlipressin.

Drugs to be used on the doctors’ prescription only.


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